Monday, April 28, 2008


Maha govt to examine whether cheerleaders' act can be stopped

The issue of cheerleaders in the ongoing IPL T20 matches figured in the Maharashtra Legislative Council for the second time on Friday with the government saying that it would examine whether such performances could be stopped.

Minister of state for Home Siddharam Mhetre said that the government would examine the issue whether steps can be taken to stop such performances.

However, Deputy Chairman Vasant Davkhare said that such performances should not be allowed.

The issue was raised by Neelam Gorhe (Shiv Sena) who said that cricket matches had nothing to do with the dances of cheerleaders.

"Globalisation does not mean that we have to imbibe western influences," she said.

Gorhe called for restrictions on such performances while allowing smooth conduct of cricket matches.

Davkhare, who was in the chair, also agreed that performances by cheerleaders had nothing to do with cricket matches and called for stopping it.

Gorhe complained that since Friday television channels were carrying reports that the government will ban cheerleaders from performing in Mumbai.

"We would like the government to clarify on this issue," she said.

'Organisers to face action for cheerleaders indecency'

In the midst of controversy over the presence of cheerleaders at IPL matches, police on Friday said they could perform at the stadium in Navi Mumbai on April 27 but action will be taken against organisers if their act is found to be "vulgar" or "indecent". ( Watch )
"The girls are merely artistes who perform as per the instructions of organisers," Navi Mumbai Police Commissioner Ramrao Wagh said, adding that a performance license has been granted to the organisers of the match between Mumbai Indians and Deccan Chargers to be held at Nerul's D Y Patil stadium.
In the event of the cheerleaders indulging in obscenity, Wagh said, the "license holders" (the organisers) will be prosecuted under various provisions of the Bombay Police Act for indecency in a public place and breach of license terms.
Wagh, however said they had not received any directions from the state government on the issue yet.
Maharashtra's Minister of State for Home, Siddhram Mhetre had on Thursday told reporters that the government will not allow the cheerleaders to perform as their acts are "absolutely obscene" and wondered why the organisers required "semi nude" women at cricket matches.
The minister had said strict action will be taken if the cheerleaders violated the norms of decency in their attire.
However, he had not specified if action will be taken against the artistes or the organisers.

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